Department of Management and Marketing
The Department of Management and Marketing offers a wide variety of courses in several business areas including sports marketing, supply chain management, human resources, organizational management, legal environment, quantitative methods, information systems, and entrepreneurship. The department offers a curriculum that is designed to provide students with certifications and stackaable credentials in data science, design thinking, Google analytics, social sales, digital marketing, and so much more. Students will gain tech-based skills in areas such as SAP and Excel for marketers. Our faculty are nationally and internationally recognized in the areas of research and teaching and have specialized skills across multiple areas of management and marketing. Our degree offerings include:
- Management (general)
- Management with a Human Resources Concentration
- Management with a Supply Chain Management Concentration
- Management with a Management Information Systems Concentration
- Management with an Entrepreneurship Concentration
- Management with a New Energy Concentration
- Marketing (general)
- Marketing with a Professional Sales Concentration
- Marketing with a Sports Marketing Focus
If you would like to learn more about the Department of Management and Marketing, please click on the following link:
Contact Information:
Dr. Kimberly K. Powell
Interim Department Chair
Office: 247 T. T. Allain Hall
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70813
Phone: 225-771-5988
E-mail: kimberly_powell@subr.edu
Administrative Coordinator III, Vacant