Research Carrels/Group Study Rooms
Individual/Group Study Rooms
The library has a variety of study rooms that allow for both individual and group study. These rooms are intended for study purposes only and are available for Southern University Students.
Individual Research Carrels
Individual Research Carrels are located on the 2nd floor of the library. Individual Research Carrels may be reserved for 1-2 persons depending on availability. The maximum reservation time for Individual Research Carrels is a maximum of 3 hours.
Group Study Rooms
Group Study Rooms are located on the 1st and 2nd floor of the library. Group Study Rooms may be reserved for either four to eight persons depending on study room availability. The maximum reservation time for study rooms is a maximum of 2 hours per group.
Southern University Identification Card
All patrons who check-out a study room or research carrel must leave a valid Southern University ID. Study rooms and research carrels can be checked-out at the 1st floor Ask Here Desk.
Late returns will incur fines at 10¢ per hour.
Rules of Conduct
Persons found eating, littering, engaging in loud, disruptive conversation or conduct, defacing library property, or otherwise acting inappropriately and/or irresponsibly while using a study room will be required to leave the library immediately and may be permanently barred from all future study room usage.
- Library material should not be left in study rooms after use. o Furniture should not be moved within study room or between other rooms.
- Library staff may inspect study rooms at any time to ensure that regulations are being followed.
- Unattended personal property left in study rooms is done so at owner’s risk.
- Patrons are prohibited from bringing in food, eating, sleeping, smoking or using any other tobacco products in the study rooms.