Department of Psychology
Undergraduate Program
Message from the Program Leader
Welcome to the department of Psychology, the department of “Second Chances”. This department offers courses designed to foster an understanding of behavior.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Psychology Department is to prepare students to compete globally and to address human needs locally, nationally, and internationally through research and service.
Programs and Degrees Offered
The Department of Psychology offers courses designed to foster an understanding of behavior. The department’s undergraduate degree program leads to a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Substance abuse modules have been incorporated in =to selected courses as well as four specific courses in substance abuse indicating eligibility to take the substance abuse counselor certification examination upon graduation. Interested students should discuss this option with their advisor.
A chapter of Psi Chi, the national honor society of psychology, is organized in the department. Eligibility for membership is determined by the chapter bylaws.
Curriculum for Every Degree Concentration
The Bachelor of Science in Psychology is awarded to students who have satisfactorily completed the following requirements:
- All University general education
- All general education requirements in the Nelson Mandela College of Government and Social Sciences
- Forty-five hours in psychology courses, including 15 hours of psychology electives. The required psychology courses are General Psychology PSYC 210, Elementary Statistics PSYC 274, Advanced Statistics PSYC 277, Field Experience PSYC 303, Psychological Testing PSYC 360, Physiological Psychology PSYC 377, Experimental Psychology PSYC 412, Abnormal Psychology PSYC 468, Psychology of Learning PSYC 482 and History and Systems PSYC Fifteen hours of subject matter courses may be selected from courses numbered 300 and above in consultation with the academic advisor.
A minor in psychology requires a minimum of 21 hours of subject matter courses to include General Psychology, Elementary Statistics, and Abnormal Psychology. The remaining 12 hours required for the minor should be selected in consultation with an advisor in the Department of Psychology and approved by the departmental chair.
Interpersonal Communication PSYC 310 3
African-American Experience PSYC 315 3
Psyc of African-American Child PSYC 323 3
Intro. To Studies of Alcohol PSYC 325 3
Substance Abuse & Human Behavior PSYC 330 3
Therapeutic Appr. To Sub. Abuse Treatment PSYC 335 3
Social Psychology PSYC 342 3
Industrial Psychology PSYC 350 3
Psychology of Sexuality PSYC 370 3
Sensation & Perception PSYC 377 3
Prevention Professional Seminar PSYC 420 3
Tobacco Prevention Seminar PSYC 430 3
Psychology of Personality PSYC 431 3
Clinical Aspects of Addiction PSYC 432 3
Developmental Psychology PSYC 445 3
Applied Behavior Analysis PSYC 485 3
Special Problems PSYC 490/492/494 3
Addendum to Curriculum Sheet
Nelson Mandela College of Government and Social Sciences Requirements Concentration: Psychology
English .................................................................... 9 hours
ENGL 110 AND 11l plus three hours of literature to be selected from ENGL 201, 202, 203, 204, 205.
Arts......................................................................... 3 hours
To be selected from ART 200, MUSC 200, OR MUSC 353.
Science.................................................................... 10 hours
The student must take a minimum of 10 hours of natural sciences, both physical and biological. A one semester (one hour) lab experience must be included in the 10 hours requirement. The selection must be made from but not limited to the courses listed below. Biology 104 & 106 and 105 and 107; Chemistry 108 & 128; 109 & 129; 110 & 130; 111 & 131; 1112 & 132; and 113 & 133; Physics 101, 102, 141, 142, 201, 202, 221, & 222. Consult with your assigned advisor for approval of other natural sciences.
Math (6 hours, MATH 130, MATH 131, OR above with approval from assigned advisor)
Humanities................................................................... 9 hours
Nine (9) hours that include a two-semester 6-hours in History chosen from HIST 104-105, 114-115, or a higher level. Three (3) additional hours must be selected from: PHIL 200, 210, or HUMN 241, 242, 244, 366.
Social Science................................................................ 6 hours
ECON 200 or 205; GEOG 210 or 221; POLS 200 or 210, SOCL 210
Foreign Language ......................................................... 6 hours
(In the same language)
Computer Literacy (CMPS 105 or CMPS 290) ....................... 3 hours
Health or Physical Education ............................................... 2 hours
HLTH 110/210 OR 2 hours of PE activity courses
In addition to the college requirements, students must complete Service Learning, an African-American Experience elective, the Writing Proficiency, and the Departmental Comprehensive Examination. PSYC 315 (African American Experience) or PSYC 323 (African American Child) IS NOT ACCEPTABLE as an African-American Experience elective for psychology majors. For further details, consult the section on University General Education requirements in the catalog.
Courses Offered and Descriptions
210 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours). An introduction to psychology emphasizing various approaches and perspectives to understanding behavior. Topics covered include biological foundations of behavior, learning and memory, psychological tests, motivation, health psychology, psychopathology, social foundations of behavior, and personality.
274 ELEMENTARY STATISTICS (Credit, 3 hours). An introduction to basic descriptive statistics, mathematical concepts, and computer applications – Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) – commonly used in statistics. Emphasis is placed on frequency distributions and percentiles, measures of central tendency and dispersion, standard normal distribution, and graphs and tables. Prerequisite: Math 131 or higher.
277 ADVANCED STATISTICS (Credit, 3 hours). An introduction to basic inferential statistics, mathematical concepts, and computer applications – Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) – commonly used in statistics. Topics discussed are correlations, regression and prediction, probability, hypothesis testing, and statistical inference. Emphasis is placed on parametric and nonparametric procedures. An introduction to T-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques are topics that are included. Prerequisite: PSYC274.
303 FIELD EXPERIENCE (Credit, 3 hours). Closely supervised practical experience in a human service-related agency, or specially a substance abuse clinic, in which students are allowed to actively participate in the delivery of services to various populations served by that agency. Students must complete a minimum of 100 clock hours at an agency to fulfill course requirements.
310 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION (Credit, 3 hours). Designed to enhance interpersonal communications as related to career or professional development. Emphasis is placed on effective communication in job seeking activities (interviews, resume writing, writing letters of application) and professional growth/development. Highly recommended for computer science, engineering and business majors.
312 PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH (Credit, 4 hours). Designed as an introduction to the research process and will provide students with experience in developing and implementing psychological research. Emphasis is placed on research designs, methodological procedures, and technical writing. Prerequisite: PSYC277.
315 AFRICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (Credit, 3 hours). An in-depth analysis of theories and research relative to the nature of African-American psychosocial reality in modern society and throughout the diaspora. Emphasize the Afrocentric perspective and focus on such issues as: concepts of black psychology, models of black personality, black mental health, approaches to the treatment and prevention of mental disorders in African-Americans, and models of Western/European racism. Cannot be used by psychology majors to meet the African-American experience requirement.
316/318 SEMINAR IN PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours). An intensive study of one of the various topics in psychology.
323 PSYCHOLOGY OF THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN CHILD (Credit, 3 hours). An in-depth analysis of theories and research relative to the study of the African-American child. Examines the socioenvironmental factors that influence the socialization and development of African-American children in modern American society.
325 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDIES OF ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND OTHER ADDICTIONS (Credit, 3 hours). Designed to inform students of the causes and consequences of addictions as they relate to the individual, family and community. Students will acquire knowledge related to the types and processes of treatment planning, case management, client education, referral and preventions. Competencies for certification in Louisiana are discussed.
330 SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR (Credit, 3 hours). Addresses issues related to repeated pathological use of drugs, including alcohol, which causes physical, psychological, economical, legal, and/or social harm to the users or to others affected by the user’s behavior. Students will also become familiar with etiology, the diagnosis, and prognosis of various addictive behaviors. Multiple perspectives will be covered ranging from political and legal to scientific and medical to the addicts themselves.
335 THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES TO SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT (Credit, 3 hours). Designed to help students develop skills required to render professional guidance to abusers of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Students will be trained to assist clients in gaining insight into their addictive disorders as well as learn to overcome those behaviors in order to maintain a drug-free life style. In addition, students will become familiar and detoxification management programs and relapse prevention.
342 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours). An introduction to the study of how people’s thoughts, feelings and actions are affected by the behavior of others.
350 INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours). A survey course providing exposure to organizational psychology and human resource management, as well as motivational and environmental factors influencing behavior in the work setting.
360 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING (Credit, 3 hours). An introductory survey course emphasizing the principles of psychological testing. A number of psychological tests of various kinds including substance abuse are critically evaluated and the importance of reliability and validity are stressed. Prerequisite: PSYC274.
370 PSYCHOLOGY OF SEXUALITY (Credit, 3 hours). A comprehensive course designed to familiarize students with aspects of sexuality, from biological factors responsible for gender development through human sexual behavior. Such topics as alterations in sexual behavior, sex roles and contemporary issues will be covered.
377 PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours). An introduction to the relationship between the biological and psychological bases of human behavior. Topics include basic biological and neurological processes, assessment of these processes, and in-depth examination of neural and brain in functioning, and how these interact with the sensory system to influence behavior. Hands-on experiences required.
381 SENSATION AND PERCEPTION (Credit, 3 hours). An introduction to the relationship between the biological aspects of sensation and how these are integrated by living organisms into meaningful perceptual experimental studies are investigated. Students learn about perceptual organization, perceptual illusions, Gestalt principles, and the neural networks responsible for our perceptual world.
400 PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN (Credit, 3 hours). Psychological problems in the educational and social adjustments of individuals with various developmental disabilities, physically handicapping conditions, behavioral disorders as well as in individuals who are intellectually gifted.
412 EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours). An introduction to the principles of research in behavioral science. Emphasis is placed on major research strategies and statistical methods. Course focuses on issues common to experimental, correlational and single case approaches. Prerequisite: PSYC277 AND 312.
420 PREVENTION PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR (Credit, 3 hours). An introduction to the field of prevention with emphasis on substance abuse and preparation for the licensure examination for prevention professionals. A focus on the history of drug use, developmental theories that support prevention, approaches to address the problem, and the effective use of a logical model.
430 TOBACCO SEMINAR (Credit, 3 hours). A review of the role of economics in tobacco’s history in the United States as well in today’s economy. The course highlights marketing practices and political roles in tobacco regulation as they pertain to prevention.
431 PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONALITY (Credit, 3 hours). Consideration of major theoretical approaches to the study of personality, its development, understanding and investigation.
432 CLINICAL ASPECTS OF ADDICTION (Credit, 3 hours). Designed to address clinical issues related to crisis intervention such as recognizing the elements of the client crisis, implementing an immediate course of action appropriate to the crisis, and enhancing overall treatment by utilizing crisis events.
437 PSYCHOLOGY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (Credit, 3 hours). Designed to develop skills in using pre-employment selection devices and to provide information about their validity and reliability. Field work included. Prerequisite: PSYC350 or permission of instructor.
445 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours). An overview of the major developmental task encountered over the course of the entire life span. Major theoretical perspectives are addressed, including an examination of individual and socioenvironmental factors, which influence various dimensions of human development.
450 PSYCHOLOGY OF INDIVIDUALS WITH MENTAL RETARDATION (Credit, 3 hours). Course emphasizes types, causes, treatment and psychological impact of mental retardation on the individual and family.
463 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING (Credit, 3 hours). The second half of a two-part sequence focusing upon psychological testing and measurement. The emphasis is on the application of psychometric principles to various psychological constructs and domains (e.g., intelligence, personality and vocational aptitudes) in clinical counseling, educational and business setting.
468 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours). Etiology, diagnosis and prognosis of major forms of mental illness. Course integrates major theoretical perspectives and current research n the field. Designed to familiarize students with populations they many encounter in mental health and substance abuse settings.
476 ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours). Course concerned with the structure and functioning o organizations. Theories and intervention techniques used to modify organizational behavior are discussed.
480 MENTAL HYGIENE (Credit, 3 hours). Emphasizing prevention of behavior disorder. Concepts of normality and adjustment are discussed.
482 PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING (Credits, 3 hours). The nature of the learning process, with special emphasis upon variables affecting learning and theoretical and systemic implications of recent research.
483/484 FAMILY-TEACHING MODEL. (Credit, 3 hours). Two-course sequence designed as an introduction to the Family-Teaching Model, a home-style approach to the treatment of juvenile delinquents, mentally retarded and emotionally-disturbed youths. The approach emphasizes the use of applied behavior analysis, principles and techniques in the treatment of the aforementioned populations.
485 APPPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS I (Credit, 3 hours). Course designed as a basic introduction to the principles and techniques of applied behavior analysis. Emphasis placed on the use of these principles to solve socially significant problems.
486 APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS II (Credit, 3 hours). An advanced course in applied behavior analysis. Emphasis is placed on providing students with experience in the application of techniques and the use of methods to evaluate treatment programs. Also, ethical concerns are considered. Prerequisite: PSYC485.
488 HISTORY AND SYSTEMS (Credit, 3 hours). This course presents a survey of modern psychology as a natural science. Traditional analyses of theoretical frames of reference to psychological phenomena will occur within a larger context of both the western philosophical precursors of science method (i.e., European empiricism) as well as philosophical systems of other cultures. Alternative “psychologies” which could or in fact have arisen from non-Eurocentric points of view ill be explored.
490/491/492/494 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours each). Designed to give undergraduate students the opportunity to work on supervised individually tailored projects ranging from independent research to experience in professional preparation. Variable credit.
495/496’497/498/499 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOLOGY (Credit, 3 hours each). Selected theoretical and current methodological problems in psychology. Variable credit.
520 ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR (Credits, 3 hours). A mastery level working knowledge of the field of prevention with emphasis on substance abuse and preparation for the licensure examination for prevention professionals. The public health model is used to demonstrate theories of change and the effective use of a logic model.
530 ADVANCED TOBACCO SEMINAR (Credit, 3 hours). An advanced review of the role of economics in tobacco’s history in the United States as well as in today’s economy. The course highlights marketing practices and political roles in tobacco regulation as they pertain to prevention.
Faculty and Staff
Chair: Reginald Rackley
Professors: Cecil Duncan, Jocelyn Freeman-Bonvillian, Murelle G. Harrison, Reginald Rackley and Catrice Tolbert
Instructor: Richard Flicker
Administrative Assistant: Emelda A. Jefferson
Contact Information
Dr. Reginald Rackley, Chairperson
242 A.C. Blanks Hall
Mrs. Emelda Jefferson
317 A.C. Blanks Hall