- SUBR Catalogs
- Re-Admit Students
- Cross Registration
- Residency Requirements
- Commencement Information
- Commencement Participation Policy
- Transcript Request
- Rights, Duties & Responsibilities of Students
- Academic Clemency
- Auditing a Course
- Class Attendance
- Course Load
- Student Conduct
- Student Records
- System of Grading
- Withdrawal from the University
- Forms
- FAQs
- Student Help Ticket
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I request my official transcript?
Transcripts must be requested using the Online Transcript Request form. The form can be found on the website subr.edu.
- Click student tab
- Online transcript request
- Complete online form
How long does processing take for transcripts?
PDF transcripts are processed the same day. Mailed transcripts take 3-5 business days for processing.
Can I call the office to see the status of a transcript?
Once a transcript order is placed, you can log into your Parchment order using the generated order number to check the status. Emails, and if selected, a text message will be sent providing status updates.
If I pay extra money, can I get my transcript expedited?
At this time, there is no expedited mailing option
If I have a transcript hold on my account whose responsibility is it to get the hold cleared?
It is the responsibility of the student to review their account to ensure they do not have a hold, transcript requests will not be processed until the hold is lifted. Please contact the Cashier’s Office with questions regarding financial holds (outstanding balances) preventing the release of an official transcript. cashiers@subr.edu or 225-771-2580.
How do I check my schedule?
Login to your self service banner account https://sucsprodssb.sus.edu/banner8ssb/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=homepage
Click student tab, registration, concise student schedule
When is the last day to register for classes? Drop classes? Withdraw from classes?
All important dates for the semester can be found on the Academic Calendar. http://www.subr.edu/page/1
If I have not attended Southern University Baton Rouge campus for two consecutive semesters. How can I return?
Complete a readmit application by logging into your self service banner. If you do not remember your login credentials, login to the application and select new first time account creation to completed a readmit application https://sucsprodssb.sus.edu/banner8ssb/bwskalog.P_DispLoginNon
Do I have to reapply after each semester or if I only missed one semester?
No, students are only required to reapply after they have not been enrolled for two consecutive semesters.
How do I get advised?
New incoming students (freshman and transfer) with less than 30 hours should contact University College for assistance with scheduling classes and being advised at https://www.subr.edu/subhome/122.
Students with more than 30 hours should contact the department of their major for assistance with scheduling classes and being advised http://www.subr.edu/page/schools-departments-programs
Students should also use the Catalog as a resource for information regarding their curriculum to assist with advising questions http://www.subr.edu/page/1201
Why do I have a hold on my student account?
All students with less than 30 hours have a hold that prevents them from scheduling without meeting with an advisor. This hold remains on the student’s account until they obtain 31 hours or more.
A class I would like to schedule is closed or I am receiving a registration error message when trying to schedule. How can I obtain an override?
Overrides are issued by instructors, Department Chairs or Deans. An email should be sent to the instructor listed for the course requesting the override(s). Overrides are given by the instructor to students via self service banner. Once the instructor grants the override, the student must then use their self service banner add/drop class option to actually register for the class. The issuance of an electronic override does NOT automatically register the student for the course. If the course does not have an instructor listed, you should contact the department of the course for assistance.
How do I withdraw from all of my Southern University Baton Rouge classes?
Contact the Registrar's Office
I am a returning student with an official transcript from another University/Institution. Where do I send my transcript?
Returning students should send their transcripts to registrar@subr.edu
Transfer students and students with dual enrollment credit should send their transcripts to admissions@subr.edu.
Where do I find forms related to the Registrar’s Office?
All Registrar’s Office forms can be found on the Registrar’s webpage http://www.subr.edu/page/regristrar-forms
Change of Name - Social Security Number
Transfer Student Reference Sheet
Transfer Course Evaluation Form
Major Change Request Form-Undergraduates Only
Who do I contact regarding graduation? Graduation Applications? Degree Audits?
Please contact your department/advisor for assistance with questions regarding graduation.
How do I contact the Registrar’s Office?
subr.registrar@sus.edu please allow 24-48 hours for a response.
Online Application
Business Contact Information
The Office of the Registrar is located on the 1st Floor of T.H. Harris Hall, P.O. Box 9454, Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70813.
Phone: (225) 771-5050; Fax: (225) 771-5064