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Early Alert Program

Early Alert Program

The Early Alert program is designed to be a proactive and collaborative early intervention program to assist students who show signs of decreased academic performance or behaviors early in the term that may negatively affect their successful completion of a course. The program goals for Early Alert are as follows:

1) Identify student-related trends and issues that may interfere with academic and personal success.

2) Develop strategies to address the identified student-related trends and issues interfering with academic and personal success. 

3) Assist students in becoming academically successful by referring them to appropriate campus resources critical to their success.

4) Create a collaborative approach to student achievement between faculty and student services by forming an effective system of intervention to improve overall student retention and completion. 

**Faculty and staff participation in Early Alert is critical in meeting the goals of the program. However, please note this intervention is not to replace direct contact by faculty with a student, but to assist faculty as an additional resource to contact students and discuss their choices.

How to Report

All instructors have access to the Early Alert notification system through the web-based form, which can be accessed by clicking the Early Alert Form

Instructors are highly encouraged to submit an Early Alert Form for students performing at a level D or F. They may also select the primary reasons for the assigned grade, which may include:

Academic Performance (Grades):

  • Missed or poorly completed assignments
  • Low exam grades
  • Lack of engagement in class


  • Consistent absences
  • Tardiness to class

Personal Issues

  • Behaviors interfering with performance in class
  • Disruption of the class environment
  • Extended illness
  • Financial concerns

Timeline and Process

Early Alert reporting is available between the fourth and sixth weeks of each semester. For exact dates, please refer to the SUBR Academic Calendar. 

Once Early Alert reporting closes, students receive an email communication of the course(s) for which they received an Early Alert, identified grade, and primary factors affecting their grade. 

The intervention cycle occurs during the following two weeks after Early Alert reporting closes. Intervention groups are divided among classification levels:

  • First-Year Students- (0-30 credits), University College 
  • Sophomore, Junior, and Senior, Respective Colleges and Departments Advising and Faculty

Intervention assistance will also be available through the Office of Student Success.

If you have questions regarding the Early Alert Program, please contact Dr. Runell J. King utilizing the information below.