Frequently Asked Questions
- When should I contact the Student Advocate/Ombudsman Office?
- Conflict
- Conflict/Resolution
- Confidentiality
- What’s an “Ombuds/Student Advocate”?
- The term “Ombuds” is broadly understood to refer to a person who, acting in an impartial capacity, is appointed to help resolve complaints.
- What is the University Student Advocate/ Ombuds empowered to do?
The Student Advocate/Ombuds can:
- Listen to you and discuss your concerns
- Answer your questions or refer you to someone who can.
- Explain how University policies or procedures work.
- Help you identify options or obtain information to help you resolve a problem.
- Refer you to the appropriate office should you wish to file a formal complaint.
- Identify trends or patterns of complaints or problems that might be systemic.
- Provide other forms od assistance to help you resolve a problem informally.
The Student Advocate/Ombuds cannot:
- Make or change University decisions, rules, or policies.
- Set aside a decision or supersede the authority of another University Official.
- Duplicate an existing grievance procedure.
- Provide legal advice or act as substitute for union representation.
- Accept notice of claims against the University. (The Ombuds is expressly not authorized to do so.)