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Band and Dance Camp

Southern University
Band and Dance Camp
June 24, 2018 - June 29, 2018

Grades 7th to 12th

Grades are based on the 2017-18 school year.

Welcome to the most fun-filled Summer Band and Dance Team Camp in the United States! During our 21st year, we will continue our tradition of excellence by providing exciting activities that will benefit campers and band directors. The camp will give high school students an opportunity to interact with students nationwide and with being a part of the best marching band program in the nation.

Resident Students University dormitories and dining halls will be used by campers. Each dormitory is staffed with trained counselors. Dormitory facilities include recreation space and beautiful parlors. All meals are planned and prepared by trained dietitians. Curfew will be 11:45 PM in your room. A detailed itinerary will be provided to each student upon arrival.

Off-Campus Students Off-campus students will be responsible for their meals and transportation to and from the University during the camp. Meal cards may be purchased at the dining hall.

Room Assignment Room selection and assignment will be made at registration. Students wishing to room together are encouraged to check in together. Check in is scheduled for Sunday, June 25, 2017, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Southern University Band Building. There will be a get acquainted hour in the Band Rehearsal Hall.


  • Females-Resident Students (staying on campus, includes 3 meals a day)  $100.00 
  • Males-Resident Students (staying on campus, includes 3 meals a day)     $100.00 
  • Off-Campus Students     $100.00