Clubs & Organizations
Clubs and Organizations
The MATH Club is open to students with an interest in mathematics and who have shown a high level of success in mathematics. The club was founded by the students to further the study of mathematics beyond the classroom instruction, to regard mathematics as an integral part of their life, and to form a base from which each student can associate with those persons who are dedicated to the learning of mathematics.
OBJECTIVES: The overall objectives of the club are to:
(1) assist, stimulate and develop students' interest in Mathematics,
(2) strive to increase the number of students studying mathematics at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and
(3) advise and encourage disadvantaged youths in their pursuit of a mathematics career.
You must be a registered SUBR full-time student in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) or some related science.
(1) Open to visits to manufacturers to view facilities and to talk to representatives about opportunities for internships and employment
(2) Invite former students and professional guests to give presentations on requirements for careers or to give lectures on various aspects of mathematics
(3) Facilitate grade school students with tutoring and tours that promote mathematics
(4) Update students of current scholarships and internships available in the area of mathematics
MATH Club members are informed about careers and exposed to lectures by mathematicians. Like the National Association of Mathematicians (NAM), we promote excellence in the mathematical sciences and encourage learners to pursue doctorates in mathematics. |
Club members have participated in outreach activities by exposing middle and high school learners to college environments or providing grade school students locally and abroad with books and school supplies. MATH Club members have assisted or participated with the department's Annual Black History Programs, Math Festivals, university homecoming parades, Round Table sessions sponsored by Raytheon, and the SUBR MATH CIRCLES.
Louisiana Beta Chapter
Program Committee Co-Chair: Mr. Christopher Marshall
Pi Mu Epsilon is a National Mathematics Honorary Society. It is open only to students who display excellence in mathematics. The chapter at Southern University was chartered in October 1960 and is the Louisiana Beta Chapter.
The purpose of the honorary society is to promote scholarly activity in mathematics among the students in academic institutions.
The Motto: "To Promote Scholarship and Mathematics"
The Colors: Violet, gold and lavender
The Flower: Violet
Minimum qualifications for membership are:
1. Undergraduate students who have had at least two years of college mathematics including calculus; have completed their mathematical work with honors (at least B average), and are in the top half of their class in general college work;
2. Sophomores who are majoring or intend to major in mathematics, who have completed at least three semesters (5 quarters) of college mathematics including one semester of calculus, who have achieved a straight A record in all mathematics courses taken and are in the top quarter of their class in general college work;
3. Graduate students whose mathematical work is at least equivalent to that required of undergraduate, and who have maintained at least a B average in mathematics during their last school year prior to their election;
4. Members of the faculty in mathematics or related subjects; and
5. Any persons who have achieved distinction in a mathematical science.
The History: Each chapter is designated by the state in which it is located and by the Greek letter alpha, beta, etc. according to the chronological order of the dates on the charters of the chapters within the state. Southern University chapter, the 76th chapter of the fraternity and the second chartered institution in the state of Louisiana, is therefore named Louisiana Beta.
Southern University was the second black institution to receive a charter. Among the chartered members of the La. Beta chapter, were Dr. Lovenia DeConge-Watson, Dr. Rogers J. Newman, Dr. Dolores Spikes, Mr. Percy Milligan, and the late Dr. Matthew Crawford.
Pictured l. to r.: Dr. Lovenia DeConge-Watson, Dr. Rogers Newman,
& Dr. Dolores Spikes